7 7 07
Hi Lian,
It’s been 3 times of your birthday anniversary celebrate without you though you’re still in my heart for always. Everything’s changing now. I know that you’re still watching me from up above but sometimes I want to tell you by myself with my own standpoint.
Apologize for breaking your rules sometimes. I am only a man…
Hey, I have a lot of progression in my life… I have some new friends. I have a new environment… and I have a new heart state… I changed a little bit some decorations in home… Yup, I know that you could comprehend everything.
I still keep calling your Papa and Mama. So far I know, they are all fine and they really love me and support me when I got the problems.
Ok Lian. I love you so much and can’t wait the time to see you again… Miss you like crazy, Mami