Sunday, October 16, 2005

Second Blitz

Maurinho said: “It was a very calm meeting because they had to understand what I wanted. Only one change, only one man but in tactical terms, it was a big difference."

This man is my idol for master of tactician. I often transform his ideas, his thinking, his strategy into my life. I admire his precise of ball and player movements. Yet I knew that successful shall be supported by more money, brain, power, adroit, desire and passion of winning mentality.

To success, we have to know how to change, although it is minor change, it means different situation. We have to change, to move to a better way.

It was a very calm meeting
: yes, we should make decision in a quite time and high concentration moment. Make every calculation, learn every single move, position, and all probabilistic of next movements, know when we have to force our adversary and then to make stability to control them easily, write it, analyse it and do it. . Don't forget to patiently asking your relations, your family to understand what you wanted. Hold them to be together facing this change you made. Make them comfort with your decision. And always play it smart. And when we did our work well, give a bit of credit for everyone involved.

Sometimes we need to divide our sequence of life into two-halfs, like football game in a competition championship. When you stunned at the first half, make a calculated gamble productive response at the second half. Show them with no answer of your devastating power. Feel the inevitably to win.

An Antidote of Loneliness

What is the worst thing compared with the word of "loneliness" ?

I never imagined in my whole life will be associated with all the word of loneliness.
Basically, I'm open, eventually more open to others. But in that case of love, true love, I lose my touch. I lose everything. I have no emotionally bonding anymore.

Our intimacy was at the root of what makes me sick now. Bit by bit, i'm trying to find out more strong sense of connection and community inside my soul. It is hard. The quality of my lives, my survival is declining everyday. I try to make balance with success in my job. It is healing in one short moment, but the need of companionship in my soul beats everything.

Some researchers said that love protects our hearts in ways that we don't completely understand. I agreed, we who felt the most loved and supported are the happy people that always have fitness. If we do, forget all other things that could impact to our quality of life such as not diet, not smoking, not exercise, not drugs and so on.

There will be a simple question then: "Does your wife show you her love?" - Oh My God, Yes, she did but not anymore. How could I answer this question? I know and I do "imaginary" conversation everyday and everynight. Does it enough to become one of the answer? I surely don't know. I missed a joy sms coming to my cellphone, I missed word of "Muah", "Luv u so much", "Paaapppppp"in my Yahoo Messenger... I missed all of awareness word from the one that I love so much.

There is no more understanding of the connection between how I live and how long I live. There is a difficult way to make different choices. Indeed, I always face with no choice of life now. There is no luxuries spending time. There is no value of love, intimacy, compassion, passion, forgiveness, altruism, service in true meaning. I'm not a kind of selfish man. I can do it in my social life, I could be a giver to others, but unfortunately, I have nobody that properly be the special recipient.

In this Ramadhan, all I can do is only to pray to God, give me a hand to rediscover my life. Amin.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Do You Remember...

Do You Remember
When We Fell In Love
We Were Young
And Innocent Then

Do You Remember
How It All Began
It Just Seemed Like Heaven
So Why Did It End?

Do You Remember
Us Holding Hands
In Each Other's Eyes
We'd Stare (Tell Me)

Do You Remember
How We Used To Talk
We'd Stay On The Phone
At Night Till Dawn

Do You Remember
All The Things We Said Like
I Love You So
I'll Never Let You Go

Do You Remember
Those Special Times
They'll Just Go On And On
In The Back Of My Mind


Those sweet memories
Will always be dear to me

Gone Too Soon

Like A Comet
Blazing 'Cross The Evening Sky
Gone Too Soon

Like A Rainbow
Fading In The Twinkling Of An Eye
Gone Too Soon

Shiny And Sparkly
And Splendidly Bright
Here One Day
Gone One Night

Like The Loss Of Sunlight
On A Cloudy Afternoon
Gone Too Soon

Like A Castle
Built Upon A Sandy Beach
Gone Too Soon

Like A Perfect Flower
That Is Just Beyond Your Reach
Gone Too Soon

Born To Amuse, To Inspire, To Delight
Here One Day
Gone One Night

Like A Sunset
Dying With The Rising Of The Moon
Gone Too Soon

Lian's home... and mine too!

Now is the time that everything has done very well.
All our obligations that made you cried has gone.
I hope you could smile and say thanks to everybody that helped us.
I knew, at that morning was only imaginary talks (and full of privacy) between you and me. I love thou, Lian. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

8 Ramadhan

Kubur Setiap Hari Menyeru Manusia Sebanyak Lima (5) Kali ....

1. Aku rumah yang terpencil, maka kamu akan senang dengan selalu membaca Al-Quran.
2. Aku rumah yang gelap, maka terangilah aku dengan selalu solat malam.
3. Aku rumah penuh dengan tanah dan debu,bawalah amal soleh yang menjadi hamparan.
4. Aku rumah ular berbisa, maka bawalah amalan Bismillah sebagai penawar.
5. Aku rumah pertanyaan Munkar dan Nakir, maka banyaklah bacaan "Laa ilaahaillallah, Muhammadur Rasulullah", supaya kamu dapat jawaban kepadanya.

Lima Jenis Racun dan Lima Penawarnya .....
1. Dunia itu racun, zuhud itu obatnya.
2. Harta itu racun, zakat itu obatnya.
3. Perkataan yang sia-sia itu racun, zikir itu obatnya.
4. Seluruh umur itu racun, taat itu obatnya.
5. Seluruh tahun itu racun, Ramadhan itu obatnya.

Nabi Muhammad S.A.W bersabda:
Ada 4 di pandang sebagai "ibu", yaitu :
1. Ibu dari segala OBAT adalah SEDIKIT MAKAN.
2. Ibu dari segala ADAB adalah SEDIKIT BERBICARA.
3. Ibu dari segala IBADAT adalah TAKUT BUAT DOSA.
4. Ibu dari segala CITA CITA adalah SABAR.

===allohumma anta Robbi laaa ilaha illa anta kholaqtani, wa ana 'abduka wa ana 'ala 'ahdika wa wa'dika mas tatho'tu, a'uzubika min syarri ma shona'tu, abu-u-laka bini'matika 'alayya wa abu-u bizambi faghfirli fa-innahu laa yaghfiruz-zunuba illa anta ===

"Ya Allah, Engkau adalah Tuhanku, yang tiada Tuhan yang pantas disembah melainkan Engkau.yang telah menciptakan diriku. Aku adalah hamba-Mu, dan aku berada dalam perintah dan perjanjian-Mu, yang dengan segala kemampuanku perintah-Mu aku laksanakan. Aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari segala kejelekan yang aku perbuat terhadap-Mu. Engkau telah mencurahkan nikmat-Mu kepadaku, sementara aku senantiasa berbuat dosa. Maka ampunilah dosa-dosaku. Sebab tidak ada yang dapat mengampuni dosa kecuali Engkau."